Daseinism (also Neodadaism - for better understanding) is a new literary genre founded by me . It expresses the frustrating reality of being thrown into this senseless world.
How to create a daseinistic poem: It take two to create a daseinistic poem: any speaker and a daseinist. The Speaker, who is not very important, talks about anything and the daseinist writes only what s/he hears in a single moment (when s/he decides to write).It is not the point to take notes with sense.
How could such an “absurd” thing come on my mind: I have been thrown into situation in which I had to sojourn (desein) at lectures of introduction to Philosophy and was really boared. So I was taking notes of only those information that I heard in the conscious states which were interrupted frequently.
Thanks to Doc.Pinc of the Faculty of Humanities of the Charies University in Prague, who was the speaker for all of the following poems. Name of the poem is in red!