Extraordinary Diary


Dear Extraordinary Diary!

so many years have passed since I wrote you the last mast piece.(As a matter of Fact, it was exactly approximately three years and eight months)You may now expect me to write something like this:So many things have change since you've been moved into your new home(Of course,I know that despite your incredible intelligence,there's no way how you could know that you have been moved.But I bet you,you have.Your new home is a nearly brand new computer,whose memory is so enoromous,that it can you ,you have.Your new home is a nearly brand new computer,whose memory is so enoromous,that it can remmember up to...really a lot of bits,bytes,whatever of information.It does not remember thing like data of the beginning of the WWII for it has not experienced this horrible and depriving event of the last Century.By the way,do you know that we-I mean the humankind-have gone into the 21st century? Well,my beloved diary,we have.And,what is even more surprising,we have had the honor to entre the third millenium,and that is not so surprising,a new decade as well.Plus,we had the horror to do so.And,the best of it all is, that we don,t even know when excatly this very turn of decades, centuries,and milleniums-or millenian just in order to be absolutely correct-happened.Whether it was the begnning of the year2000,or 2001.Some expert argue that as there was no year zero,the turn was in 2001.Some expert argue that as there was no year zero,the turn was in 2001.My personal and humbel,yet expert opinion is that it was year 2000,as it is not year zero-Funny,ain,t it?Still,all this crap has no direct importance to you,appart from the fact that you have survived the Y2K.The question remain-why should you not have survived?Just to get back to the WWII,for I have a tittle remark-Remarque-on the suject.Have you noticed that my memory,in comparison to the memory of thiscomputer,does contain such a pecilar information as the data?Form this Follows,that l am much smarter.Actually,lhave found this out serval years ago(20 years,exactly.))This was such a long bracket-information.Anyway,if you do expert what I expert you to expert,be sure,that it is totally false,for,the most important thing(in realation to you) has not charged a bit.I herely confine that it is totally falsefor,the most important thing(in realation to you) has not changed a bit.I hereby confine that my writing is boring as well which means that your days will therefore be filled with boredom just like mine. I have exchausted you much so i am going to finish right now.


Hello Diary!

Are you asking me what's up? No much, I shall remember this fact,or I shall get really angry.I was just trying to write a fairy tale about a selifish but I shall get really angry.I was just trying to write a fairy tale about a sefish shelifish but I failed due to a lack of creativity and patience.I can still continue tomorrow as tomorrow never dies.But to be absoutely honest,I do not feel creative enough even to write the diary today,which indcated that I am in a really bad state of mind-of hard disc(just to make sure that you unstanding).And from this follows that it would really be the best if I just stopped writing this piece in this very second.Stop


Hello(hell,Oh"-that's not an appropiate greeting suitabele for a young lady.)Once more,hello!

I dont,t know what I should write-do I even know?Somehow i hope that the ideas will come to my mind and onto the paper by themselves.And I hope they will be very valuable ideal-typical for my thinking.Somehow,they don't come,which is really a strange and mysterious phenomenon.I think it is so free to write so freely widthout any sence and widthout any goal.This way I write whatever comes to my mind.For example,right now,in this very moment,in this very senond,here comes the sun.Well,to behonest,it is almost the middle of the night,which,in colloquial English is called the mid-night-and this part of day-a night-is typical for the lack of daylight and the lack of the sun.That is why is was very zavadzajuce a lackovane of me to say it.

Let me get further to another idea right now l am teMbly worried about my friend's growing interest in all the most mysterious mysteries of this life and this world. She is reading every book that unhides the most secret mystery but as there are so many of the books like that. I am obliged to say, that there are no more mysteries left hidden and secret which means that there are none at all Of course I may be mistaken, and it is very probable that my conclusion is absolutely incorect but as the logical advance is correct, it is the premise that is false

Well,the ghoust hour of four zero(00:00)is coming.The ghosts do not terrife me,I'm rather scared of my thought that will bother me once again and keep me awake.On the other side,I am so tired of doing nothing will for sure make me fall asleep.But before I finish writing this important piece of information and my thoughts I must make sure that anyone reading it does not think I do nothing.I admit that it may seem like that from one point of means views but from MY point of view,it is a very productive nothing-doing.That means that forms one point of view but from MY point of view,it is a very productive nothing-doing.That means that the form one point of view but form MY point of view,it is a very productive nothing-doing.That means that the process called doing has a product-a nothing.with this logics I will not get very far.What I wanted to say is that it my hobby and I have many artefacts and piece left to remain me all the times I devoted myself to this beautiful hobby.(To get back to that logic-this means I have nothing,lots of nothing.)This beaufitul writing is one of them.

Though sad and still full of valuable thoughts, l am becoming overwhelmed by blind forces of nature which drive me into the land of unconscious. I must get some sleep. Good-bye!


Hello, whoever/whatever you are!

No thoughts are coming to my mind at the moment, still I feel like writing. It is raining very hard and I would make some complaints about the weather had It not been my wish to hear the pleasant sound of raindrops hitting the window and lightning hitting... simply hitting. In this unfavourable wether conditions I am at least not in the need to go out and do something - what I don't know therefore would have to find out. I may just sit around and write all this crap which is the most preferable actMry of mine. and the most productive too. To the anger of my parent.

Anyway. I would really be incredebly happy if I only knew what to write. I would even write a poem if I only knew what it should be about. And I would even do something if I only felt like It

In fact I am enormously sleepy today for I stayed up untill 02:00 in the morning last night and got up at 08:30 due to a certain primary need. And due to a certain primary need of one spider and due to stupidity of one fly, I could not have fallen asleep anymore for I had to be a witness of a murder and a breakfast afterwards. I would have saved the fiy by setting it free from the spidetweb or by murdering the spider but I rather wanted to remain indifferent) and so I only watched. Besides of these exciting observations of the laws on nature, I have not done anything today. I do not feel ashamed. as one might expect, in fact IM pretty proud. - Everything is just a stale of mind - oh. here comes a little philosophical idea to which I will not pay the smallest attention as it is not worth it OM this is a real nonsense. Bye!


Hello darling!

I have not scored today - I mean, in the area of thinking. Sound like I have scored In some other area... Surprise! I have not scored In another area either. Eventhough I stay to have feeling that this diary leadsnowhere, I have to continue Jost for the say of discipline. And for the sake of scientific experiment slated to write the diary (I am aware of the fact that ,,to write a diary. is not a grammatically correct statement, no o correct my use of Coodzoky, no o livodzovky an English word. But who cams') In order to test hyphotesis that 'these pages are going to be filled with the most brilliant ideas that have ideal that have even come to anyone's mind."Extraordnary Diary,22.1.2004