In order for the age of the blind libido and Oidipus complex to come to an end, it's time to say good-bye to the old PHALIC symbols and replace them with symbols of a new sensible generation - with the CEPHALIC symbols! You too can change the world may be only by wearing apeach seed on your neck, or, a cap with the brain design. if you really want to be "In", buy a bracelet - not one made of a silicon, but one made of the genuine cerebral cortex! Anything that resembles the head (cephale) or the brain or has some association to them, can become a cephalic symbol. Some examples:
THE WALNUT - it has always resembled the brain to people so they ate it thinking it's good for the brain. (By the way, even today, you find people who think that an organ's activity can be best stimulated by eating something that very similar to it, e.g. beans for the kidneys...)
SEED OF A PEACH - This one has not always resembled the brain to people but it resembles the walnut, therefore also the brain!
APPLE - It was an apple that fell on Sir Isaac Newton's head and thus contributed to the development of modern science. It is also a symbol of the, so called, emancipation from the Eden.
BULB - Onne of the most frequently used symbols of the brain activity. It can also serve very well to enlighten your home. And it spins around the Joyful Place.
BRACELET - You can buy this modern bracelet for money that is little for you but very significant for the people suffering from Ploymalign Sectionitis. All the money raised from selling the bracelets will go to these people, because they are the ones who need it the most! So far, the bracelets are only available in the electronic form because I still haven't found a donor of the cerebral cortex. Please, send me 3000 USD or else, I will have to kill a rabbit.
HAT - So far only available in the electronic form in which it may very well serve to improve your appearance on electronic pictures.
A recommendation for women - Improve your ICQ picture with this cap and the interest of the Turkish men will remain the same!
Also in the area of your food...
No more rolls or bananas! Eat apples.
Walnuts, peach seeds, and drink THE BRAIN!
made by babraque